Always Unique
Resilient Authentic

Kim's info doesn't always come out right on a mobile. Please
go to other devices. She's very creative coming up with
solutions. She's very blessed has beautiful souls who
have come into her life. Lifting her spirits to a
higher vibration Bring withit all this energy of
Peace🕊Light 💫 Love 💖 Serenity 🪷
She Does Have
In The Life of An Autistic
Woman Born 1950 London England. What An Extraordinary
Life. How Did She Survive?
It’s hard for others to understand how raising your vibration with prayer 🙏🏽 meditation and sound frequencies sending it out to the universe, galaxies and beyond the stars ⭐️Being positive can change your outlook, Kim wasn’t scared in fact very calm. She seemed to have gone into a zone like state and the dogs were still not barking. She felt everything around her was peaceful and the energy shifting. She even used her golden Angel tuning forks that gets rid of negative energy. You will never know if it changed their circumstances sending out a higher frequency of love, protection with prayer 🙏🏽
All Kim can tell you it was coming their way, She know in her heart and deep in her being it helped them because when you truly believed anything is possible. Julie believes it to be true. Why? We are Star⭐️Seeds we were sent here to make this world a better place. To have Faith and God’s love ❤️ inside of us. For her God has always been Love❤️and always will........

You do not have to go to church or be religious to believe in God and Jesus a higher power. Everyone has their own beliefs as long as you are not hurting anyone and it's not satanic. Jesus was a healer and never judged only loved. This is what our universe really wants? If we all raised our vibrations come together, no judging who’s right or wrong. This world 🌎 will truly change become a better place, no wars no hate. No one thinking they are better than anyone else. She remember listening to John Holland telling a story about his house and there was a raging fire. All the other houses burnt down and his was still standing. He’s a medium and an empath another beautiful soul. Kim had put together a meditation tape about God's love for her son when he was young to listen to while he was going to sleep. Later he put those words on a CD, she still listens that meditation brings back wonderful memories for her and then learning Reiki.


Kim played the chakra coloured crystal bowls with butterflies 🦋 on them also the Tibetan singing bowls all the way from Nepal that had been blessed by the Tibetan monks. She finished with the weightless tuning forks Julie hearing the different frequencies from her root chakra to her crown.
She really enjoyed the session and could feel the calmness and relaxation coming over her, it did feel good the atmosphere of Tranquility, Serenity and Love. She had asked and manifested if it was possible for our highest good before Julie was gone for their power to come back on. The amazing thing she was sitting in her chair ready to go home and were still chatting. Low and behold the lights came on that very moment. What a blessing 🥰🙏🏽 she as able to blow dry Julie's hair and what an unbelievable experience she will never forget and a beautiful one.

Shaklee Difference (7-minute version)
From Shaklee's landmark nutritional supplement study, to the thousands of quality tests, to the innovations created by Shaklee scientists, it's the care that goes into every step of creating a Shaklee product that makes Shaklee different

Shaklee TV Quality is in the Details
At Shaklee, quality is in the details! Join our Chairman and CEO as he gives us a special look at the Shaklee Product Distribution Center and rigorous testing and inspection process that our products undergo.
Shaklee TV Behind the Scenes
Join Shaklee Chairman and CEO Roger Barnett as he gives you a behind the scenes look at Shaklee’s unique product distribution center in Groveport, Ohio.
VIVIX Shaklee Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Roger Barnett shares the history behind the development of Vivix®, derived from the world’s
most potent source of scientifically proven
polyphenols. SHAKLEE'S NEW GUMMYIES More info here The Power of Cellular Aging
Uploaded October 23, 2023
How Well Do You Understand
the Shaklee Difference?
Dear Shaklee Family:
Shaklee products – and the quality and science behind them – are unmatched in the industry. But how familiar are you with the many elements of the Shaklee Difference?
Even if you think you know what makes this company and our products stand apart from the rest, refresh your knowledge with this list of Ten Key Steps that we take to ensure that Shaklee supplements are the best in the marketplace:
1. Shaklee conducts more than 100,000 tests annually to ensure the safety and efficacy of our products.
2. Each and every lot of Shaklee products is 100% tested to ensure and guarantee that each and every ingredient that is part of our label claims is present in the appropriate amounts.
3. All ingredients in Shaklee products are qualified under the incredibly stringent Shaklee protocol, unique in the industry, which tests for up to 350 chemical contaminants including pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, solvent residues, etc.
4. Our Shaklee scientists create formulations so that the key active ingredients are included at clinically efficacious levels, often significantly higher than many companies in the market.
5. Each product is formulated with nutritional ingredients that have been extensively studied to confirm safety and efficacy. Our products don't follow "fads" but incorporate scientific and/or epidemiologic evidence of need and benefit.
6. Shaklee employs advanced delivery systems to enhance bioavailability – and these systems are tested to confirm their nutrient delivery advantages.
7. All ingredients must be acceptable from the standpoint of the Shaklee philosophy, as well as detailed scrutiny as to their safety. We don't simply accept the Certificate of Analysis that many other companies accept but, rather, retest for contaminants to confirm the Certificate of Analysis is accurate.
8. Shaklee has an unwavering commitment to avoid the use of artificial flavours, sweeteners, and added preservatives. We use only non-genetically modified soy protein.
9. Shaklee developed many of the standards and protocols for manufacturing that are now referred to as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).
10. Ongoing proof of our product performance is demonstrated by:
More than 100 scientific publications, 90-plus in peer-reviewed journals
The Landmark Study, the only study of its kind, which showed that people who took Shaklee supplements over a period of 20 years had markedly better health than both single-multivitamin and non-supplement users
Shaklee products powering athletes to win 125 medals
Shaklee products fuelling world explorers, 7 of Time-Life's Greatest Adventures of All Time, and NASA space shuttle astronauts with a special rehydration product (called Astro-Ade)
Add to this list our accomplishments and awards in the area of environmental leadership and responsibility, and you'll see why I'm truly proud to be part of this company, where integrity, quality, and social responsibility are our standards, and where making people and the planet healthier is our mission.
Shaklee is all about helping people take control of their future health by virtue of their choices today. My 16 years as a practising family physician led me to believe even more strongly that prevention is where the future of medicine must go. Research confirms that nutrition, weight control, and wise supplementation can powerfully impact your vitality today and your health in the future, and I believe that we can redefine wellness in the coming years. Thank you for all that you're doing to share Shaklee products and the Shaklee Difference with so many. Together we're making a BIG difference in the health of the world!
Be well!
Jamie McManus, MD, FAAFP
Chair of Medical Affairs, Health Sciences, and Education for Shaklee Corporation!